Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gobblins, Pirates and Teens, Oh My! - Link fixed!

Ok, there is a lot going on today, so I'll get right to it. First off, is a kit by Charm City Scraps called Tricks and Treats. This was done for Stuff to Scrap's Build A Kit for September. It's a cute kit that I really like. Whether using it for a layout, Halloween invitations, or a night waiting for the Great Pumpkin, this kit is for you. Here is a preview of the kit, it's linked to her store.

And here is my layout using this kit.

And Adriana's Cafe also has a Build a Kit out called My Little Monster. I love the little monster on this kit.

And here is my layout of my little monster!

I also have another new kit by Adriana's Cafe called Whatever. It made me think of teens right away, but it can be used on just about any layout. I love the colors and the flair she made for this.

Here are my layouts using this kit.

Now for the Blog Train!

The train, or should I say ship is here. This month we did Ahoy Matey! and I really like the way it turned out. Of course the pirate fans in my area wanted purple and gold for this kit, but....

Anyway, here is my preview, hope you like it. Preview is now linked. Sorry everyone. I usually check in soon, but didn't get here until tonight.

And here is the rest of the train. Make sure you leave some love along the way, pirates can be blood thirsty without it! LOL

Let Me Scrapbook!
Amy Owens Photography and Design
Luna Rosa's Scraps
Becky (SAHM)
Shel Belle Scraps
Mommy Me Time Scrapper
Sheri's Scraps
Scraps by Andrea
Bonnie Blou Designs
Milly Dee Designs
Tricia's Treasures <-- You are here
A Fish Design
Scrappin' Serenity
Scraps N Pieces - Lori
Cami Jo Scraps
Craft With Me
Manda's Scrappin' Creations
AmyDane Designs
Adriana's Cafe
Little Penguins Designs
B2N2 Scraps
The Scrappy Kat


Miss Behaving [badly] said...

Hello darling,

I can't see where the link is to get the pirate freebie, it seems to be missing? Either that, or I am totally blind - it could be either one. Whilst I am here, thank you for always participating in the blog trains and giving out great freebies, it's a pleasure to work with such great materials - thank you so much.


Anonymous said...

The link for the Ahoy Matey is missing!! :(

Sondrart Designs said...

No link

Karen said...

No I can't see a link either

Mags said...

can't find a link...Waaahhh!! :(

Lainie said...

Looks great, but there isn't a link to download. Can you fix it?

Unknown said...

I can't find the link :(

KatherineWoodin said...

Thank you for all the kits and blog trains you have done. I really like this kit and your part but there is no download link. Please help

Pabby said...

Sorry everyone. Link is now fixed.

Unknown said...


Link is fixed, yessssss, jijiji

Lainie said...

Hey Trisha, it was worth the wait. Great kit. Thanks

vw bug said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Arrgh, there be some wonderful papers in this here booty, I be thankin' ye:) Kelcey (LunaRosa).

deb said...

Thank you so much! This is lovely!

Cori said...

Great kit, Tricia! Thanks for sharing!!

Karen said...

Thank you so much for sharing!